To go to the United States without a B visa, foreign nationals benefiting from the Visa Waiver Program can use the ESTA document . This travel document is electronic. It is necessary to connect to the internet to access this document. However, you can print it out.
ESTA document, one of a kind
The ESTA document is a different document from what we have seen so far. It is 100% electronic. The official document does not exist in paper version. In other words, it is an electronic form that must be completed by nationals of member countries of the Visa Waiver Program in order to be able to take advantage of this advantage for their trip to the United States. Only admission by land does not require obtaining this travel authorization document.
Thus, to enter the United States, by land, from Mexico or Canada, you do not need to complete the electronic form. In this case, you must use the old I-94W document.
Paid ESTA document, only valid
Created in 2009, the ESTA travel document was free before becoming paying since 2010. It is no longer possible to obtain this document for free. However, the price of this document is not exorbitant. Today, the price adopted by the websites that provide access to this document generally varies between 55 and 79 euros. This price is minimal compared to the fact that this document allows multiple admissions to the United States. Indeed, there are several French sites that offer a paying ESTA document. Each of them adopts a different price from the others. Often, the price varies according to the quality and quantity of the services offered by the sites. This is why it is good to learn about the sites before making a choice.
ESTA document print for free
If the ESTA document is chargeable, the sites that offer it, however, offer travelers the possibility of making a free printout. The printed ESTA document has no official value in the eyes of the American authorities, but can be used in the organization of your trip. In the event of an unexpected check, the printed document helps you memorize the information entered on your travel card.
It is even advisable to have a paper version of the ESTA document with you throughout the trip in order to plan for all eventualities. Some French sites offer you the possibility of printing an ESTA in French.